<animLvl> (Level Animation)

This variable is used to indicate the animate by level string which is displayed to a user in the user interface.

     <chMax val="1" />
     <dir val="norm" />
     <animLvl val="ctr" />
     <resizeHandles val="exact" />

In this example we see that the <animLvl> is set to ctr. This is being defined in a radial type diagram which will allow the user to specify that animation is to start at the center of the diagram. ]

Parent Elements

<presLayoutVars>; <varLst>



<val> (Level Animation Value)

This attribute indicates the string to use for level animation in the user interface.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_AnimLvlStr simple type (§

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_AnimLvl">
	<attribute name="val" type="ST_AnimLvlStr" default="none" use="optional"/>