Number Format Expressions

This is where cell number formats used in this workbook are expressed. This collection never references a theme. In this collection the numFmtId attribute is an actual ID, unlike the other sibling collections. That is, instead of relying on the order in which a particular numFmt appears, it is referenced elsewhere by calling out the numFmtId value. Then the corresponding numFmt record can be found by finding the numFmt record with the matching numFmtId value. In the case of number formats, a set of numFmtId values are predefined and fixed by this specification. These values map to actual number formatting expressions.

The following XML would format a cell containing the value 1234 to look like this:

<numFmts count="1">
	<numFmt numFmtId="165" formatCode="&quot;$&quot;#,##0.00"/>

A <numFmt> definition is referenced by ID (numFmtId) from either a <cellXf> or a <cellStyleXf>.

To read more about how to interpret number format codes like the value found in formatCode above, please read the reference section on numFmt, in the Styles section.