<dataType> (Data Source Type)

This element specifies the type of external data source to be connected to via the Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) system (such as a spreadsheet or database), or the alternative method of data access if the Dynamic Data Exchange system is not used. This setting is purely a suggestion of the data source access mechanism which shall be used, and may be ignored in favor of an alternative mechanism if one is present.

<w:dataType w:val="odbc" />

The <dataType> element's @val attribute is equal to odbc, specifying that the given merged WordprocessingML document has been connected to an external data source via the Open Database Connectivity interface. ]

Parent Elements




<val> (Value)

Specifies the exact type of external data source to which a given merged WordprocessingML document is to be connected.

<w:dataType w:val="database" /> 

The @val attribute is equal to database, specifying that the given WordprocessingML document has been connected to a database via the Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) system. ]

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_MailMergeDataType simple type (§2.18.59).

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_MailMergeDataType">
	<attribute name="val" type="ST_MailMergeDataType" use="required"/>