<ST_DataValidationImeMode> (Data Validation IME Mode)

These values specify that the IME (input method editor) mode is controlled by data validation.

This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema string datatype.

The following are possible enumeration values for this type:

Enumeration Value


<disabled> (Disabled IME Mode)

IME mode is disabled. Forces the IME control to be disabled when this cell is selected.

<fullAlpha> (Full-Width Alpha-Numeric IME Mode)

Forces the IME control to be on and in full-width alph-numeric input mode when the cell is first selected.

<fullHangul> (Full Width Hangul)

Forces the IME control to be on and in full-width Hangul input mode when first selecting the cell. Applies when the application's language is Korean and a Korean IME control is selected.

<fullKatakana> (Full Katakana IME Mode)

Forces the IME control to be on and in full-width Katakana input mode when first selecting the cell. Applies when the application's language is Japanese and a Japanese IME control is selected.

<halfAlpha> (Half Alpha IME)

Forces the IME control to be on and in half-width alph-numeric input mode when the cell is first selected.

<halfHangul> (Half-Width Hangul IME Mode)

Forces the IME control to be on and in half-width Hangul input mode when first selecting the cell. Applies when the application's language is Korean and a Korean IME control is selected.

<halfKatakana> (Half-Width Katakana)

Forces the IME control to be on and in half-width Katakana input mode when first selecting the cell. Applies when the application's language is Japanese and a Japanese IME control is selected.

<hiragana> (Hiragana IME Mode)

Forces the IME control to be on and in Hiragana input mode when first selecting the cell. Applies when the application's language is Japanese and a Japanese IME control is selected

<noControl> (IME Mode Not Controlled)

Data validation does not control the IME control's mode.

<off> (IME Off)

Forces the IME control to be off when first selecting the cell (goes to direct cell input mode).

<on> (IME On)

Forces the IME control to be on when first selecting the cell.

Referenced By


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:

<simpleType name="ST_DataValidationImeMode">
	<restriction base="xsd:string">
	<enumeration value="noControl"/>
	<enumeration value="off"/>
	<enumeration value="on"/>
	<enumeration value="disabled"/>
	<enumeration value="hiragana"/>
	<enumeration value="fullKatakana"/>
	<enumeration value="halfKatakana"/>
	<enumeration value="fullAlpha"/>
	<enumeration value="halfAlpha"/>
	<enumeration value="fullHangul"/>
	<enumeration value="halfHangul"/>