<chartFormat> (PivotChart Format)

Represents the format defined in the PivotChart that is associated with this PivotTable.

<sh:pivotTableDefinition xmlns:sh="…" name="PivotTable1" cacheId="0"
  applyNumberFormats="0" applyBorderFormats="0" applyFontFormats="0" 
  applyPatternFormats="0" applyAlignmentFormats="0" applyWidthHeightFormats="1" 
  dataCaption="Values" updatedVersion="3" minRefreshableVersion="3" 
  showCalcMbrs="0" useAutoFormatting="1" colGrandTotals="0" itemPrintTitles="1" 
  createdVersion="3" indent="0" outline="1" outlineData="1" 
  multipleFieldFilters="0" chartFormat="1" fieldListSortAscending="1">

Parent Elements


Child Elements


<pivotArea> (Pivot Area)




<chart> (Chart Index)

Specifies the index of the <chart> part to which the formatting applies. For more information see the DrawingML specification for more information on the chart part.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema unsignedInt datatype.

<format> (Pivot Format Id)

Specifies the index of the pivot format that is currently in use. This index corresponds to a <dxf> element in the Styles part. For more information see the Styles section (§3.8).

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema unsignedInt datatype.

<series> (Series Format)

Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether format applies to a series.

A value of on, 1, or true indicates this format applies to a series.

A value of off, 0, or false indicates this format applies to a data point.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema boolean datatype.

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_ChartFormat">
	<element name="pivotArea" type="CT_PivotArea"/>
	<attribute name="chart" use="required" type="xsd:unsignedInt"/>
	<attribute name="format" use="required" type="xsd:unsignedInt"/>
	<attribute name="series" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>