<docPartPr> (Glossary Document Entry Properties)

This element specifies the set of properties which shall be applied to the parent glossary document entry. These properties define its name, categorization, and behaviors.

    <w:name w:val="Sample Entry" /></w:docPartPr></w:docPart>

The <docPartPr> element specifies the set of properties which have been specified for the parent glossary document entry, the only one visible above being the entry's name of Sample Entry. ]

Parent Elements


Child Elements


<behaviors> (Entry Insertion Behaviors)


<category> (Entry Categorization)


<description> (Description for Entry)


<guid> (Entry ID)


<name> (Entry Name)


<style> (Associated Paragraph Style Name)


<types> (Entry Types)


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_DocPartPr">
	<choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
	<element name="name" type="CT_DocPartName" minOccurs="1"/>
	<element name="style" type="CT_String"/>
	<element name="category" type="CT_DocPartCategory"/>
	<element name="types" type="CT_DocPartTypes"/>
	<element name="behaviors" type="CT_DocPartBehaviors"/>
	<element name="description" type="CT_String"/>
	<element name="guid" type="CT_Guid"/>