<extLst> (Extension List)

This element specifies the extension list within which all future extensions of type <ext> will be defined. The extension list along with corresponding future extensions is used to extend the storage capabilities of the <DrawingML> framework. This allows for various new types of data to be stored natively within the framework.

Parent Elements

<audioCd>; <audioFile>; <backdrop>; <blip>; <bodyPr>; <bodyStyle>; <cell3D>; <clrMap>; <clrMap>; <clrMapOvr>; <clrScheme>; <cNvCxnSpPr>; <cNvCxnSpPr>; <cNvCxnSpPr>; <cNvCxnSpPr>; <cNvGraphicFramePr>; <cNvGraphicFramePr>; <cNvGraphicFramePr>; <cNvGraphicFramePr>; <cNvGraphicFramePr>; <cNvGrpSpPr>; <cNvGrpSpPr>; <cNvGrpSpPr>; <cNvGrpSpPr>; <cNvPicPr>; <cNvPicPr>; <cNvPicPr>; <cNvPicPr>; <cNvPicPr>; <cNvPr>; <cNvPr>; <cNvPr>; <cNvPr>; <cNvPr>; <cNvSpPr>; <cNvSpPr>; <cNvSpPr>; <cNvSpPr>; <cxnSp>; <cxnSpLocks>; <defaultTextStyle>; <defPPr>; <defRPr>; <docPr>; <endParaRPr>; <font>; <fontScheme>; <graphicFrame>; <graphicFrameLocks>; <gridCol>; <grpSp>; <grpSpLocks>; <grpSpPr>; <grpSpPr>; <grpSpPr>; <grpSpPr>; <hlinkClick>; <hlinkHover>; <hlinkMouseOver>; <ln>; <lnB>; <lnBlToTr>; <lnDef>; <lnL>; <lnR>; <lnT>; <lnTlToBr>; <lockedCanvas>; <lstStyle>; <lvl1pPr>; <lvl2pPr>; <lvl3pPr>; <lvl4pPr>; <lvl5pPr>; <lvl6pPr>; <lvl7pPr>; <lvl8pPr>; <lvl9pPr>; <majorFont>; <minorFont>; <notesStyle>; <objectDefaults>; <otherStyle>; <overrideClrMapping>; <pic>; <picLocks>; <pPr>; <quickTimeFile>; <rPr>; <scene3d>; <scene3d>; <sp>; <sp3d>; <sp3d>; <spDef>; <spLocks>; <spPr>; <spPr>; <spPr>; <spPr>; <spPr>; <spPr>; <spPr>; <tableStyle>; <tblPr>; <tblStyle>; <tc>; <tcBdr>; <tcPr>; <tcTxStyle>; <theme>; <themeElements>; <titleStyle>; <tr>; <txDef>; <txSp>; <uLn>; <videoFile>

Child Elements


<ext> (Extension)


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_OfficeArtExtensionList">
	<group ref="EG_OfficeArtExtensionList" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>