<ilvl> (Numbering Level Reference)

This element specifies the numbering level of the numbering definition instance which shall be applied to the parent paragraph.

This numbering level is specified on either the abstract numbering definition's <lvl> element (§2.9.7), and may be overridden by a numbering definition instance level override's <lvl> element (§2.9.6).


1. Level one

a. Level two

These numbered paragraphs may be represented using the following WordprocessingML:

      <w:ilvl w:val="0" />
      <w:numId w:val="5" />
    <w:t>Level one</w:t>
      <w:ilvl w:val="1" />
      <w:numId w:val="5" />
    <w:t>Level two</w:t>

The WordprocessingML above specifies that the first numbered paragraph references the numbering level of 0, within the numbering definition of the <num> element (§2.9.16) with a @numId attribute equal to 5.

The second numbered paragraph references the numbering of 1, within the same numbering definition instance. The WordprocessingML referenced by the <ilvl> elements above is given below:

<w:num w:numId="5">
  <w:abstractNumId w:val="0" />
<w:abstractNum w:abstractNumId="0">
  <w:nsid w:val="FFFFFF7F" />
  <w:multiLevelType w:val="singleLevel" />
  <w:lvl w:ilvl="0">
  <w:lvl w:ilvl="1">

In this case, the resulting paragraphs would inherit the properties of the abstract numbering definition levels with @ilvl attributes of 0 and 1, respectively. ]

Parent Elements




<val> (Decimal Number Value)

Specifies that the contents of this attribute will contain a decimal number.

The contents of this decimal number are interpreted based on the context of the parent XML element.

<w:… w:val="1512645511" />

The value of the @val attribute is a decimal number whose value must be interpreted in the context of the parent element. ]

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_DecimalNumber simple type (§2.18.16).

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_DecimalNumber">
	<attribute name="val" type="ST_DecimalNumber" use="required"/>