<rPr> (Run Properties For Structured Document Tag Contents)

This element specifies the set of run properties which shall be applied to the text entered into the parent structured document tag in replacement of placeholder text. When placeholder text is present in a structured document tag, its formatting is often different than the desired underlying formatting, and this element specifies the formatting which shall be used for non-placeholder text contents when they are initially added to the control.

If this element is not present, the inserted is unformatted, as with any other run of text - it shall not inherit the properties of the placeholder text.

      <w:docPart w:val="TestPlaceholderDocPart"/>
      <w:rStyle w:val="UserName"/>
        <w:rStyle w:val="PlaceholderText"/>
      <w:t>[Type Your Name Here]</w:t>

This structured document tag specifies that its current contents are placeholder text via the <showingPlcHdr> element (§, and that text has the PlaceholderText character style applied to it.

Now, assume that that style created grey shaded text (typical for placeholder text). This formatting would clearly not be desirable for any text entered into the structured document tag. Therefore, when this text is added, the <rPr> element in the <sdtPr> is used to store the formatting on the resulting text.

In this example, the text which initially populates the control shall be formatted with the UserName character style. ]

Parent Elements


Child Elements


<b> (Bold)


<bCs> (Complex Script Bold)


<bdr> (Text Border)


<caps> (Display All Characters As Capital Letters)


<color> (Run Content Color)


<cs> (Use Complex Script Formatting on Run)


<dstrike> (Double Strikethrough)


<eastAsianLayout> (East Asian Typography Settings)


<effect> (Animated Text Effect)


<em> (Emphasis Mark)


<emboss> (Embossing)


<fitText> (Manual Run Width)


<highlight> (Text Highlighting)


<i> (Italics)


<iCs> (Complex Script Italics)


<imprint> (Imprinting)


<kern> (Font Kerning)


<lang> (Languages for Run Content)


<noProof> (Do Not Check Spelling or Grammar)


<oMath> (Office Open XML Math)


<outline> (Display Character Outline)


<position> (Vertically Raised or Lowered Text)


<rFonts> (Run Fonts)


<rPrChange> (Revision Information for Run Properties)


<rStyle> (Referenced Character Style)


<rtl> (Right To Left Text)


<shadow> (Shadow)


<shd> (Run Shading)


<smallCaps> (Small Caps)


<snapToGrid> (Use Document Grid Settings For Inter-Character Spacing)


<spacing> (Character Spacing Adjustment)


<specVanish> (Paragraph Mark Is Always Hidden)


<strike> (Single Strikethrough)


<sz> (Font Size)


<szCs> (Complex Script Font Size)


<u> (Underline)


<vanish> (Hidden Text)


<vertAlign> (Subscript/Superscript Text)


<w> (Expanded/Compressed Text)


<webHidden> (Web Hidden Text)


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_RPr">
	<group ref="EG_RPrContent" minOccurs="0"/>