<tcPr> (Table Style Conditional Formatting Table Cell Properties)

This element specifies the set of table cell properties which shall be applied to all regions within a table which match the conditional formatting type specified on the parent <tblStylePr> element. These properties are applied in the order specified via the style hierarchy.

<w:style w:type="table" w:styleId="exampleTableStyle"><w:tblStylePr w:type="firstRow">
        <w:top w:val="nil" />
        <w:left w:val="nil" />
        <w:bottom w:val="nil" />
        <w:right w:val="nil" />
        <w:insideH w:val="nil" />
        <w:insideV w:val="nil" />

The <tcPr> element specified within the <tblStylePr> element specifies the set of table cell properties which shall be applied to all parts of the table which meet the criteria specified by the @type value of firstRow - all of the header rows of the table. In this example, the single table cell property applied is a set of table cell borders via the <tcBorders> element (§2.4.63). In this case, these cell borders simply reset any previous cell borders to nil. ]

Parent Elements


Child Elements


<cellDel> (Table Cell Deletion)


<cellIns> (Table Cell Insertion)


<cellMerge> (Vertically Merged/Split Table Cells)


<cnfStyle> (Table Cell Conditional Formatting)


<gridSpan> (Grid Columns Spanned by Current Table Cell)


<hideMark> (Ignore End Of Cell Marker In Row Height Calculation)


<hMerge> (Horizontally Merged Cell)


<noWrap> (Don't Wrap Cell Content)


<shd> (Table Cell Shading)


<tcBorders> (Table Cell Borders)


<tcFitText> (Fit Text Within Cell)


<tcMar> (Single Table Cell Margins)


<tcPrChange> (Revision Information for Table Cell Properties)


<tcW> (Preferred Table Cell Width)


<textDirection> (Table Cell Text Flow Direction)


<vAlign> (Table Cell Vertical Alignment)


<vMerge> (Vertically Merged Cell)


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_TcPr">
	<extension base="CT_TcPrInner">
	<element name="tcPrChange" type="CT_TcPrChange" minOccurs="0"/>