<trPr> (Table Style Conditional Formatting Table Row Properties)

This element specifies the set of table row properties which shall be applied to all rows within a table which match the conditional formatting type specified on the parent <tblStylePr> element. These properties are applied in the order specified via the style hierarchy.

<w:style w:type="table" w:styleId="exampleTableStyle"><w:tblStylePr w:type="firstRow">

The <trPr> element specified within the <tblStylePr> element specifies the set of table row properties which shall be applied to all rows of the table which meet the criteria specified by the @type value of firstRow - all of the header rows of the table. In this example, the table row properties applied are the fact that these rows shall be repeated on each page via the <tblHeader> element (§2.4.46) and the fact that these rows shall not be split across pages using the <cantSplit> element (§2.4.6). ]

Parent Elements


Child Elements


<cantSplit> (Table Row Cannot Break Across Pages)


<cnfStyle> (Table Row Conditional Formatting)


<del> (Deleted Table Row)


<divId> (Associated HTML div ID)


<gridAfter> (Grid Columns After Last Cell)


<gridBefore> (Grid Columns Before First Cell)


<hidden> (Hidden Table Row Marker)


<ins> (Inserted Table Row)


<jc> (Table Row Alignment)


<tblCellSpacing> (Table Row Cell Spacing)


<tblHeader> (Repeat Table Row on Every New Page)


<trHeight> (Table Row Height)


<trPrChange> (Revision Information for Table Row Properties)


<wAfter> (Preferred Width After Table Row)


<wBefore> (Preferred Width Before Table Row)


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_TrPr">
	<extension base="CT_TrPrBase">
	<element name="ins" type="CT_TrackChange" minOccurs="0"/>
	<element name="del" type="CT_TrackChange" minOccurs="0"/>
	<element name="trPrChange" type="CT_TrPrChange" minOccurs="0"/>