(Attribute Name List)
This element is used to describe a list of attributes in which to apply an animation to.
[Example: Consider trying to emphasize the txt font size within the body of a shape. The attribute would be 'style.fontSize' and this can be done by doing the following:
<p:anim to="1.5" calcmode="lin" valueType="num"> <p:cBhvr override="childStyle"> <p:cTn id="6" dur="2000" fill="hold"/> <p:tgtEl> <p:spTgt spid="3"> <p:txEl> <p:charRg st="4294967295" end="4294967295"/> </p:txEl> </p:spTgt> </p:tgtEl> <p:attrNameLst> <p:attrName>style.fontSize</p:attrName> </p:attrNameLst> </p:cBhvr> </p:anim>
End example]
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The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:
<complexType name="CT_TLBehaviorAttributeNameList">
<element name="attrName" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>