<to> (To)

This element specifies the resulting color for the animation color change.

[Example: Consider emphasize a shape by changing its fill color from blue to red. The <to> element should be used as follows:

  <p:animClr clrSpc="rgsb">
      <a:schemeClr val="accent2"/>

End example]

Parent Elements


Child Elements


<hslClr> (Hue, Saturation, Luminance Color Model)


<prstClr> (Preset Color)


<schemeClr> (Scheme Color)


<scrgbClr> (RGB Color Model - Percentage Variant)


<srgbClr> (RGB Color Model - Hex Variant)


<sysClr> (System Color)


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_Color">
	<group ref="EG_ColorChoice"/>