<ST_CombineBrackets> (Two Lines in One Enclosing Character Type)

This simple type specifies the type of bracket character which shall be used to enclose the two lines in one text within the current run when displayed

    <w:eastAsianLayout w:id="1" w:combine="on" w:combineBrackets="curly"/>
  <w:t>two lines in one</w:t>

The resulting text would be displayed on two sub lines within the other text on this line and enclosed within curly brackets when displayed. ]

This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema string datatype.

The following are possible enumeration values for this type:

Enumeration Value


<angle> (Angle Brackets)

Specifies that angle bracket characters shall be used to enclose the contents of the current run’s two lines in one text.

<curly> (Curly Brackets)

Specifies that curly bracket characters shall be used to enclose the contents of the current run’s two lines in one text.

<none> (No Enclosing Brackets)

Specifies that no characters shall be used to enclose the contents of the current run’s two lines in one text.

<round> (Round Brackets)

Specifies that round bracket characters shall be used to enclose the contents of the current run’s two lines in one text.

<square> (Square Brackets)

Specifies that square bracket characters shall be used to enclose the contents of the current run’s two lines in one text.

Referenced By


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:

<simpleType name="ST_CombineBrackets">
	<restriction base="xsd:string">
	<enumeration value="none"/>
	<enumeration value="round"/>
	<enumeration value="square"/>
	<enumeration value="angle"/>
	<enumeration value="curly"/>