(Shape Target)
The element specifies the shape in which to apply a certain animation to.
[Example: Consider a shape whose id is 3 in which we want to apply a fade animation effect. The <spTgt> should be used as follows:
<p:animEffect transition="in" filter="fade"> <p:cBhvr> <p:cTn id="7" dur="2000"/> <p:tgtEl> <p:spTgt spid="3"/> </p:tgtEl> </p:cBhvr> </p:animEffect>
End Example]
Parent Elements |
Child Elements |
Subclause |
Attributes |
Description |
This attribute specifies the shape identifier. The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_ShapeID simple type (§ |
The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:
<complexType name="CT_TLShapeTargetElement">
<choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<element name="bg" type="CT_Empty"/>
<element name="subSp" type="CT_TLSubShapeId"/>
<element name="oleChartEl" type="CT_TLOleChartTargetElement"/>
<element name="txEl" type="CT_TLTextTargetElement"/>
<element name="graphicEl" type="a:CT_AnimationElementChoice"/>
<attribute name="spid" type="a:ST_ShapeID" use="required"/>