
HYPERLINK field-argument [ switches ]

Description: When selected, causes control to jump to the location specified by text in field-argument. That location can be a bookmark or a URL. Field Value: None.

Switches: Zero or more of the following field-specific-switches.

\l field-argument

text in this switch's field-argument specifies a location in the file, such as a bookmark, where this hyperlink will jump.


Appends coordinates to a hyperlink for a server-side image map.


Causes the destination site to be opened in a new window.

\o field-argument

text in this switch's field-argument specifies the ScreenTip text for the hyperlink.

\t field-argument

text in this switch's field-argument specifies the target to which the link should be redirected. Use this switch to link from a frames page to a page that you want to appear outside of the frames page. The permitted values for text are:

  • _top, whole page (the default)

  • _self, same frame

  • _blank, new window

  • _parent, parent frame

HYPERLINK http://www.cnu.edu/
HYPERLINK "E:\\ReadMe.txt"