PAGEREF field-argument [ switches ]
Description: Inserts the number of the page containing the bookmark specified by text in field-argument for a cross-reference.
Field Value: The number of the page containing the bookmark.
Switches: Zero or one of the general-formatting-switches, zero or one of the numeric-formatting-switches, and zero or more of the following field-specific-switches.
Creates a hyperlink to the bookmarked paragraph. |
Causes the field to display its position relative to the source bookmark. If the |
The world population in 1991 was 5 billion; for 1990 figures, see the table { PAGEREF Worldpop1990 \p }.
is updated, the position of the table is inserted in place of the field. The result is one of the following::
… see the table above. … see the table below. … see the table on page 27.