XE field-argument [ switches ]
Description: Defines the text and page number for an index entry, which is used by an INDEX
field (§ The text of the entry is text in field-argument. To indicate a subentry, the main entry text and the subentry text shall be separated by a colon (:). Subentries beyond one level are permitted.
Field Value: None.
Switches: Zero or one of the following field-specific-switches.
Applies bold formatting to the entry's page number. However, if the index style for that entry is already bold, this switch removes that formatting for that entry. |
The text in this switch's field-argument defines an index entry type. If an |
Applies italic formatting to the entry's page number. However, if the index style for that entry is already italic, this switch removes that formatting for that entry. |
Instead of the entry's page number, uses the range of pages marked by the bookmark specified by text in this switch's field-argument. |
Uses text from field-argument in place of a page number.
Note: : Useful for "See …" or "See also …" entries.
Specifies that the text from field-argument defines the yomi (first phonetic character for sorting indexes) for the index entry. |
XE "Office Open XML" \b XE "syntax" \f "Introduction" XE "behavior:implementation-defined" \b XE "Office Open XML" \i XE "behavior:implementation-defined:documenting" \b XE "grammar" \f "Introduction" \b XE "Office Open XML" XE "item: package-relationship" \t "See package-relationship item" XE "XML" \r OOXMLPageRange XE "grammar" \f "Introduction" XE "production" \f "Introduction"
the index produced by INDEX \e "
tab" \c "1" \z "1033"
implementation-defined ……………………………………. 2
documenting …………………………………….….…….. 3
package-relationship ………... See package-relationship item
Office Open XML ……………………………………… 2, 3, 4
XML …………………………………………………….… 1–4
and that produced by INDEX \f "Introduction" \e "
tab" \c "1" \z "1033"
grammar ………………………………………………..…. 3, 5
production …………………………….................................... 5
syntax ……………………………………………………..…. 2