
KEYWORDS [ field-argument ] [ switch ]

Description: Retrieves, and optionally sets, the document's keywords, as recorded in the <Keywords> element of the Core File Properties part or, if field-argument is present, the subject specified by text in field-argument. Specifying a field-argument shall change <Keywords> to text. The <Keywords> element contains a string of text whose format and semantics is unspecified by this Office Open XML Standard.

Field Value: The document's keywords

Switches: One of the following general-formatting-switches: \* Caps, \* FirstCap, \* Lower, or \* Upper.

	<Keywords>switch, field, syntax</Keywords>

and the following field is updated:


The result is:

switch, field, syntax

Updating the following field:

KEYWORDS "field, formatting, switch, syntax"

causes the <Subject> element to take on the given value. ]