<ST_PositiveFixedAngle> (Positive Fixed Angle)

This simple type represents a positive angle in 60000ths of a degree. Range from [0, 360 degrees).

This simple type's contents are a restriction of the ST_Angle simple type (§

This simple type also specifies the following restrictions:

  • This simple type has a minimum value of greater than or equal to 0.

  • This simple type has a maximum value of less than 21600000.

Referenced By

<hsl@hue>; <hslClr@hue>; <hue@val>; <innerShdw@dir>; <lin@ang>; <outerShdw@dir>; <prstShdw@dir>; <reflection@dir>; <reflection@fadeDir>; <rot@lat>; <rot@lon>; <rot@rev>; <tint@hue>

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:

<simpleType name="ST_PositiveFixedAngle">
	<restriction base="ST_Angle">
	<minInclusive value="0"/>
	<maxExclusive value="21600000"/>